Advanced Trading

Advanced Trading Course for only £749*
Includes the 5 day training (Online).

*split the costs of this course with Knoma
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Advanced Trading

About this course

The Advanced Trading Course is a five-day program aimed at traders looking for the opportunity to advance their skillset, trading knowledge, and are ready to take their trading to the next level.

Traders will learn AudaCity Capital’s unique Fibonacci strategy alongside advanced risk management, psychology, and develop their knowledge of important fundamentals. Trainees will also take home the powerful custom indicator to unlock this strategy that cannot be obtained anywhere else.

We welcome a more varied level of trader experience onto the program. As long as you have the basic FX knowledge, you will be able to maximize your learning in this program.

This program can be taken in conjunction with our Financial Trading Introduction Five-Day Course. In order to maximize learning, we recommend a short break in between taking both programs to make sure you have fully understood all concepts in the introductory program. By signing up for both courses, you will receive a special discount.


A proficient trader is always seeking ways to maximize potential and develop skills. This program is designed to provide:

  • Understanding of advanced trading strategies, including AudaCity Capital’s Fibonacci strategy developed by our in-house team.
  • Proficiency in advanced risk management techniques and strategies for controlling risk.
  • In-depth comprehension of trading psychology and its impact on a trader’s strategy and risk management.
  • Techniques to control and positively influence a trader’s psychology.
  • Effective trading methods designed to profit from financial markets and a clear path to turning trading into a full-time profession.
Advance Trading Course

Audacity Capital in numbers

  • 2.4B

    Volume Traded

  • 2.82M

    Max Monthly Payout

  • 140+


Course Structure

The program is structured for all types of learners to get the most out of it, and the five-day program will contain a mixture of:

  • Webinar-based sessions
  • Reading and writing task-based sessions

Mixed in with these sessions, you will be putting your learning into practice. This will allow you to learn and apply concepts under live market conditions, which is extremely important for your development.

introduction to trading


  • Here you will learn AudaCity Capital’s own Fibonacci trading strategy. Developed on our trading floor in London it is a way of trading that is only accessible here at AudaCity Capital. Traders will take home the custom indicator that unlocks this powerful strategy and cannot be obtained anywhere else.

  • You will learn and apply more advanced price action trading concepts and techniques along with how they can be linked together to analyse the Forex markets.

  • Learn the importance of controlling your risk as a trader alongside advanced methods that can be applied to maximise profits and minimise losses.

  • Start to understand and develop your own personal trading psychology as well as being given techniques you can use to help control your trading psychology to maximize profitability when trading.

  • Understand how economic news events affect our trading and what is the best way to navigate micro and macroeconomic news events whilst trading.

  • Apply all of the above to live market conditions during practical sessions throughout the five-day program, with live support and assistance from the mentor team.

  • learning all of the above with your style and strategy considered, discussing trading topics and ideas with experienced mentors and the rest of your Advanced Trading Program group (max 10 people per program). You will also mix with Hidden Talents Program students.

Advance Trading Course
Advance Trading Course

Who can join the course?

The Advanced Trading Course is for traders that have at least a basic understanding of trading and financial markets all the way to experienced and profitable traders.  

This program can be taken in conjunction with our Financial Trading Introduction Five-Day Course. In order to maximize learning, we recommend a short break in between taking both programs in order to make sure you have fully understood all concepts in the introductory program (max 10 people per program). By signing up to both of the courses, you will receive a special discount.

Advance Trading Course

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Which trading course is best?

    If you are new to trading industry, the best program to take is our Introductory 5-day course. This will cover all the basics you need to start your career as a prop trader.

    If you are looking for a refresher to develop your skillset and knowledge, we invite you to take our Advanced Trading Program. This Advance Trading Course offers a refined approach to the trading objectives in the introductory course as well as covering complex strategies and deep understanding of trading psychology.

    We also offer a combined course of Introduction to Trading and Advanced Trading to maximise your growth as a professional trader.

  • Why learn to trade?

    Trading is essential to fuelling economic growth and helps you take advantage of opportunities in the market. Trading careers can provide you with practical and valuable skills applicable to different aspects of life such as enhancing your thinking and awareness, controlling your emotions and overcoming fear, minimizing risk and maximizing probabilities of success that can help you gain financial freedom.

  • Are trading courses worth it?

    Not only do you gain skills to trade inexpensively but by joining our Advance Trading Course, you take away essential qualities you can apply to your day-to-day personal development and start earning money on your journey to having a full-time trading career.

    We recommend you to take the combined course to receive a special discount and maximise your learning experience.

  • What are the benefits of taking trading courses?

    Not only do you gain skills to trade inexpensively but by joining our Advance Trading Course, you take away essential qualities you can apply to your day-to-day personal development and start earning money on your journey to having a full-time trading career.

    We recommend you to take the combined course to receive a special discount and maximise your learning experience.

  • What is Knoma?

    We have partnered with Knoma, a finance provider, to offer you interest-free loans towards our program fees. This is an opportunity to get you the support you need to prioritise your learning and start your professional training towards your trading career.

    With Knoma you can spread the cost of the course for over up to 10 months and you can choose how often you want to repay.

    Click here for more information about Knoma.

Any questions?
Advance Trading Course
There are many advantages that come with working with Audacity. One that comes to mind immediately is the fact that I am much more responsible with the funds that I am managing. Because I know that the funds don’t belong to me and they belong to Audacity and I want to give the best performance possible.
Megiliano — Greece
I was really impressed at how quick the withdrawal process is. I hit my target and I received my profit on the same afternoon. For convenience, trading with Audacity is really worthwhile.
Joshante — United Kingdom
I studied in the field of economics and I wanted a career in the industry where I want to have the freedom instead of the 9-5 job, which is why I joined the Hidden Talents Program. I learned a great deal from 1 to 1 mentoring session with John, as well as with our group sessions with other traders. Compared to trying to do it on my own, I noticed that there was more to trading after I joined the program. Before I wasn’t doing too well and now I’m trading really well and I’m glad.
Sameena — Ireland
I was looking for a prop firm that could give me 1 to 1 mentoring, where they have a trading floor I can visit. The biggest benefit the Hidden Talents Program offers is that I can talk to my mentor all the time.
Jakob — Germany
I’m glad I can follow Audacity Capital’s risk parameters because it helps me in the game of trading. At the end of the day, you need to survive in the market and adjust, and trading in bigger account sizes that they offer allowed me to be really profitable.
Vladislav — Bulgaria
I was looking to get funded and did my research into prop trading firms. I chose Audacity Capital because they provided real money straight away, and I was right to choose them because I was able to hit my target and withdraw my profits in a few months.
Marcin — Poland