À propos

AudaCity Capital has a world-renowned reputation for funding and backing profitable traders, we have always considered ourselves to be at the cutting edge of our industry.

  • We trade on all major asset classes on multiple exchanges with our own capital, and do not handle any client’s funds or have any customers. By becoming a member of the team, you become part of our success. We are market leaders because we have always had an internal vision to promote a strong entrepreneurial working culture.

  • As a principal trading firm, we trade for our own account only. We do not have clients, nor do we provide any investment services or ancillary services to others. Our strategies are designed to use information that is publicly available and we use fairly simple, non-controversial and transparent order types. We are a strong supporter of fair, transparent and orderly markets.

  • As part of our commitment to humanity, we ensure all our operations are environmentally friendly. We invest a lot in educating students and people about the financial market and trying to correct any myths.

Tel que présenté sur

Audacity Capital in numbers

  • 2.4B

    Volume Traded

  • 2.82M

    Max Monthly Payout

  • 140+


  • Diversity is strength when it comes to trading, we welcome traders from any walk of life, it’s proven that a mix of backgrounds, experiences and points of view enriches performance.

  • We share knowledge, our traders keep their eyes and ears open at all times, looking for profitable opportunities, patents, market news, and trends. That’s how we work strategically to make profit.

  • As a firm, we’re relentlessly focused on developing a long term relation with our traders by providing them with best environment to prosper and perform.

  • We treat all people with respect and kindness. That’s how positive long term relationships are build and mutual trust is made.

Specialised expertise coupled with years of experience

Our independence and expertise mean we are well placed to be a source of expert and impartial analysis for the media.

AudaCity Capital Conference

Helping people taking their dreams to the next level.

Our people, capital, and ideas are standing by to link up with others just like you, powered by passion and endless possibilities…

All what you have to do is to tell us how we can help you! Let’s encourage growth, innovation and economic progress together.

Meet our Associates

Join Like minded Traders and be part of an exclusive network now for FREE

Nous recherchons des traders ayant une expérience concrète de la gestion du risque et ayant fait preuve de rentabilité. Voici quelques conditions que nous recherchons lorsque nous approuvons les traders à rejoindre notre programme. 

  • Pouvoir justifier d'au moins 3 à 6 mois de trading sur un compte réel.
  • Peut faire preuve de cohérence dans la gestion des risques et de la rentabilité au cours de cette période.
  • Peut faire preuve de cohérence en suivant un plan ou une stratégie de négociation.

