Firma Dagangan Proprietari Forex Jauh


What is a Remote Forex Prop Firm?

Remote forex proprietary firm use their capital to make profits. Instead of using the client’s money as the traditional way, they use theirs to make profits.

On the other hand, a prop trader works as a contractor for the company. When profit is made, it is shared between the pro trader and the firm.

So, how do remote forex prop firms work? Prop firms usually invest in commodities, bonds, derivatives, forex, stocks, among many other things in the market.

They usually make money via two methods: profit splits with profitable traders and selling the funded accounts challenges.

This is what normally happens. The remote proprietary trading firms provide you with a large-sized account after you have paid them for a challenge. You will then use the account to trade for a month, but you must follow the trading rules.

Once profit is made, you get a cut of 90% for your efforts. It has been shown that these firms provide value to the traders and are real, you can really trade from home!

How to get started as a Remote Prop FX Trader

  • To begin, you’ll need to select the funding program that best suits your trading goals. Choose between our two distinctive options. Decide whether you want to participate in our Ability Challenge, where you start with a 2-step evaluation on a demo account to prove your trading abilities. Alternatively, you can opt for our Funded Trader Program, which offers immediate access to live trading capital.

  • Next, you’ll be asked to select your desired initial account size ranging from $7,500 up to $240,000. This choice allows you to tailor your trading setup to fit your financial goals and trading strategy. Following this, you’ll need to choose your preferred trading platform – MT4 or MT5 – and specify the payment currency that you’d like to purchase your funded account in. The current available options include GBP, USD or EUR.

  • Once you’ve made your selections and completed your payment. You’ll gain access to your personalised trader dashboard within minutes! Here, you can conveniently view your trading account details , performance statistics, and other essential insights to help you kickstart your trading journey.

forex trading testimonials
forex funding programs
Why is Audacity Capital ideal for Remote Trading?

We are a well-known proprietary trading firm that has gained its reputation in the past 12 years for funding traders who show potential in forex trading.

The remote-funded trader program does not only support profitable forex traders. It also backs up talented individuals who have the know-how and believe their forex trading strategies are the best.

With Audacity Capital, be sure that you will have the necessary trader funding to move to the next level and enhance your forex trading performance.

Trade from home and get access to Institutional funding

If you want to be successful in trading, there are so many things you need to consider, like risk management skills, trading strategies, etc. The good thing with forex trading is that you can always trade from anywhere in the world as long as you have a computer and a great internet connection.

Since you will be trading at home, you will need to use a remote prop trading firm that aligns with your strengths and needs.

This is exactly what we offer in Audacity Capital!


Program Funded Trader kami direka untuk pedagang berpengalaman yang sudah mempunyai strategi yang terbukti dan menguntungkan dalam pasaran. Walaupun begitu, tidak semua program pedagang yang dibiayai adalah sama dan sesuai untuk anda. Ini kerana semua firma prop mempunyai set peraturan berbeza yang mungkin tidak sepadan dengan keperluan dan matlamat anda. Sebagai firma yang menghargai kejujuran dan kepercayaan, kami telah menetapkan peraturan kami dan mengesyorkan agar anda melihat faktor-faktor ini untuk memutuskan sama ada program ini adalah yang terbaik untuk anda

Things to consider when choosing a Remote FX Prop Trading Firm

  • Adalah penting untuk melihat kesahihan firma perdagangan prop apabila memilih rakan kongsi pembiayaan jangka panjang. Faktor yang boleh membantu menentukan reputasi firma ialah ulasan, ciri akhbar, anugerah, dsb. Platform seperti Trustpilot dan YouTube mempamerkan nilai firma daripada pendapat orang yang menggunakan perkhidmatan firma tersebut.

  • Akaun dagangan mungkin datang dengan sekatan. Membaca peraturan akaun dan garis panduan perdagangan akan membantu menentukan sama ada ia sejajar dengan strategi anda. Kami menasihatkan anda menghubungi perunding sokongan untuk mengesahkan. Ingat untuk mempertimbangkan objektif firma apabila melihat keadaan dagangan mereka.

  • Adalah penting untuk melihat program dan jangkaan firma. Adakah ia selaras dengan matlamat anda? Setiap firma adalah berbeza.

  • Sesetengah firma Prop mempunyai pelan pertumbuhan yang membolehkan pedagang yang dibiayai untuk melipatgandakan dana mereka dan menikmati keuntungan yang meningkat.

  • Sesetengah firma Prop mempunyai pelan pertumbuhan yang membolehkan pedagang yang dibiayai untuk melipatgandakan dana mereka dan menikmati keuntungan yang meningkat.

Advance Trading Course

Why use a Remote Forex Proprietary Trading Firm?

  • As a premier proprietary trading firm, we offer our traders up to $2 million in trading capital and immediate access to live data accounts. Additionally, our program features a rapid scaling strategy, where we double the trading account size upon achieving a 10% target. Our aim is to provide you with a genuine opportunity to showcase your trading skills from the start.

  • At the core of our reputation is a commitment to trust and fairness. We allocate up to 90% of profits to ensure you reach your financial goals and secure your knowledge that we are truly invested in your success.

  • Our dedicated support team is available around the clock to assist you with any concerns regarding your trading account. If you need assistance, send us an email at [email protected]

  • Kami percaya dalam proses yang adil dan perdagangan yang bermakna, anda akan mempunyai fleksibiliti untuk menjana wang di mana-mana sahaja di dunia pada bila-bila masa. Kami tidak mengehadkan pedagang kami kepada hari dagangan minimum atau tarikh akhir dan kami menggunakan pembekal kecairan institusi di mana anda boleh mendapat manfaat daripada spread yang ketat dan tiada bayaran untuk komisen atau swap.

  • Kami menyediakan pengeluaran mutlak 10%, yang tidak mengekori keuntungan pedagang. Dalam had ini, anda tidak bertanggungjawab untuk sebarang kerugian. Oleh itu, anda tidak akan berhutang dengan syarikat itu.

  • Kami menggunakan pembekal kecairan yang membolehkan kami memberi pedagang kami akses kepada kecairan yang mendalam dalam pasaran dengan pelaksanaan pantas dan spread yang ketat. Langganan bulanan kami meliputi faedah tidak perlu membayar komisen atau pertukaran.

forex funding programs
Advance Trading Course
Why you should join Audacity Capital?
  • Fully funded live trading account
  • Earn profits up to 90%
  • Premium Institutional Liquidity
  • 10% Pengeluaran
  • Risk-Free Trading
  • No monthly fees
  • Commission & Swap Free

Since 2012

The Funding Process

Swipe to see more

  • $10000
  • $15000
  • $30000
  • $60000
  • $120000
  • $240000
  • $10000
  • $15000
  • $30000
  • $60000
  • $120000
  • $240000
  • $10000
  • $15000
  • $30000
  • $60000
  • $120000
  • $240000
  • GBP
  • USD
  • EUR
  • MT4
  • MT5

Select your trading volume

  • $7,500
  • $15,000
  • $60,000

Swipe to see more

  • GBP
  • USD
  • EUR
  • MT4
  • MT5


Pelan Penskalaan

Select your trading volume

line chart trending upwards
Stage 1: $7,500

Stage 1: $7,500

Start trading with a live account worth $7,500. Achieve your profit target to get your account doubled to $15,000.

Profit Target: 10%.
Account target goal: $8,250

Daily: 5%
Absolute: 10%
Max Loss Limit (based on equity): $6,750

Bahagian Keuntungan:
More than 30 Days to reach target = Your profit share is 50%
Less than 30 days to reach target = Your profit share is 60%

Stage 2: $15,000

Stage 2: $15,000

At this stage, you'll be managing a live account worth $15,000. Achieve your profit target to get your account doubled to $30,000.

Profit Target: 10%.
Account target goal: $16,500

Daily: 5%
Absolute: 10%
Max Loss Limit (based on equity): $13,500

Bahagian Keuntungan:
More than 30 Days to reach target = Your profit share is 50%
Less than 30 days to reach target = Your profit share is 60%

Stage 3: $30,000

Stage 3: $30,000

At this stage, you'll be managing a live account worth $30,000. Achieve your profit target to get your account doubled to $60,000.

Profit Target: 10%.
Account target goal: $33,000

Daily: 5%
Absolute: 10%
Max Loss Limit (based on equity): $27,000

Bahagian Keuntungan:
More than 30 Days to reach target = Your profit share is 50%
Less than 30 days to reach target = Your profit share is 60%

Stage 4: $60,000

Stage 4: $60,000

At this stage, you'll be managing a live account worth $60,000. Achieve your profit target to get your account doubled to $120,000.

Profit Target: 10%.
Account target goal: $66,000

Daily: 5%
Absolute: 10%
Max Loss Limit (based on equity): $54,000

Bahagian Keuntungan:
More than 30 Days to reach target = Your profit share is 50%
Less than 30 days to reach target = Your profit share is 60%

Stage 5: $120,000

Stage 5: $120,000

At this stage, you'll be managing a live account worth $120,000. Achieve your profit target to get your account doubled to $240,000.

Profit Target: 10%.
Account target goal: $132,000

Daily: 5%
Absolute: 10%
Max Loss Limit (based on equity): $108,000

Bahagian Keuntungan:
More than 30 Days to reach target = Your profit share is 60%
Less than 30 days to reach target = Your profit share is 70%

Stage 6: $240,000

Stage 6: $240,000

At this stage, you'll be managing a live account worth $240,000. Achieve your profit target to get your account doubled to $480,000.

Profit Target: 10%.
Account target goal: $264,000

Daily: 5%
Absolute: 10%
Max Loss Limit (based on equity): $216,000

Bahagian Keuntungan:
More than 30 Days to reach target = Your profit share is 60%
Less than 30 days to reach target = Your profit share is 70%

Stage 7: $480,000

Stage 7: $480,000

At this stage, you'll be managing a live account worth $480,000. Achieve your profit target to get your account doubled to $960,000.

Profit Target: 10%.
Account target goal: $528,000

Daily: 5%
Absolute: 10%
Max Loss Limit (based on equity): $432,000

Bahagian Keuntungan:
More than 30 Days to reach target = Your profit share is 70%
Less than 30 days to reach target = Your profit share is 80%

Stage 8: $960,000

Stage 8: $960,000

At this stage, you'll be managing a live account worth $960,000. Achieve your profit target to get your account doubled to $1,920,000.

Profit Target: 10%.
Account target goal: $1,056,000

Daily: 5%
Absolute: 10%
Max Loss Limit (based on equity): $864,000

Bahagian Keuntungan:
More than 30 Days to reach target = Your profit share is 70%
Less than 30 days to reach target = Your profit share is 80%

Stage 9: $1.92M

Stage 9: $1.92M

At this stage, you'll be managing a live account worth $1,920,000. You have reached the maximum account size available on the scaling plan. You may continue trading this account and profit shares can be withdrawn every time you reach the 10% Profit target.

Profit Target: 10%.
Account target goal: $2,112,000

Daily: 5%
Absolute: 10%
Max Loss Limit (based on equity): 1,728,000

Bahagian Keuntungan:
More than 30 Days to reach target = Your profit share is 70%
Less than 30 days to reach target = Your profit share is 80%

Stage 1: $7,500

Setiap Pedagang yang mendapat kelulusan untuk program ini bermula dengan modal permulaan $15,000. Pada peringkat ini, anda boleh menggunakan saiz lot maksimum 0.5 kesemuanya terkumpul. Anda mesti mencapai sasaran keuntungan 10%, menjadikan akaun anda kepada $16,500, untuk meningkatkan akaun anda dua kali ganda kepada $30,000. Pengeluaran ialah 10% jadi maksimum yang boleh anda hilangkan ialah $1,500 daripada baki permulaan, bermakna ekuiti anda tidak boleh jatuh di bawah $13,500.

line chart trending upwards
Peringkat 1: $15,000

Peringkat 1: $15,000

Start trading a live account worth $15,000. Achieve your profit target to get your account doubled to $30,000.

Profit Target: 10%.
Account target goal: $16,500

Daily: 5%
Absolute: 10%
Max Loss Limit (based on equity): $13,500

Bahagian Keuntungan:
More than 30 Days to reach target = Your profit share is 50%
Less than 30 days to reach target = Your profit share is 60%

Peringkat 2: $30,000

Peringkat 2: $30,000

At this stage, you'll be managing a live account worth $30,000. Achieve your profit target to get your account doubled to $60,000.

Profit Target: 10%.
Account target goal: $33,000

Daily: 5%
Absolute: 10%
Max Loss Limit (based on equity): $27,000

Bahagian Keuntungan:
More than 30 Days to reach target = Your profit share is 50%
Less than 30 days to reach target = Your profit share is 60%

Peringkat 3: $60,000

Peringkat 3: $60,000

At this stage, you'll be managing a live account worth $60,000. Achieve your profit target to get your account doubled to $120,000.

Profit Target: 10%.
Account target goal: $66,000

Daily: 5%
Absolute: 10%
Max Loss Limit (based on equity): $54,000

Bahagian Keuntungan:
More than 30 Days to reach target = Your profit share is 50%
Less than 30 days to reach target = Your profit share is 60%

Peringkat 4: $120,000

Peringkat 4: $120,000

At this stage, you'll be managing a live account worth $120,000. Achieve your profit target to get your account doubled to $240,000.

Profit Target: 10%.
Account target goal: $132,000

Daily: 5%
Absolute: 10%
Max Loss Limit (based on equity): $108,000

Bahagian Keuntungan:
More than 30 Days to reach target = Your profit share is 60%
Less than 30 days to reach target = Your profit share is 70%

Peringkat 5: $240,000

Peringkat 5: $240,000

At this stage, you'll be managing a live account worth $240,000. Achieve your profit target to get your account doubled to $480,000.

Profit Target: 10%.
Account target goal: $264,000

Daily: 5%
Absolute: 10%
Max Loss Limit (based on equity): $216,000

Bahagian Keuntungan:
More than 30 Days to reach target = Your profit share is 60%
Less than 30 days to reach target = Your profit share is 70%

Peringkat 6: $480,000

Peringkat 6: $480,000

At this stage, you'll be managing a live account worth $480,000. Achieve your profit target to get your account doubled to $960,000.

Profit Target: 10%.
Account target goal: $528,000

Daily: 5%
Absolute: 10%
Max Loss Limit (based on equity): $432,000

Bahagian Keuntungan:
More than 30 Days to reach target = Your profit share is 70%
Less than 30 days to reach target = Your profit share is 80%

Stage 7: $960,000

Stage 7: $960,000

At this stage, you'll be managing a live account worth $960,000. Achieve your profit target to get your account doubled to $1,920,000.

Profit Target: 10%.
Account target goal: $1,056,000

Daily: 5%
Absolute: 10%
Max Loss Limit (based on equity): $864,000

Bahagian Keuntungan:
More than 30 Days to reach target = Your profit share is 70%
Less than 30 days to reach target = Your profit share is 80%

Stage 8: $1.92M

Stage 8: $1.92M

At this stage, you'll be managing a live account worth $1,920,000. You have reached the maximum account size available on the scaling plan. You may continue trading this account and profit shares can be withdrawn every time you reach the 10% Profit target.

Profit Target: 10%.
Account target goal: $2,112,000

Daily: 5%
Absolute: 10%
Max Loss Limit (based on equity): $1,728,000

Bahagian Keuntungan:
More than 30 Days to reach target = Your profit share is 70%
Less than 30 days to reach target = Your profit share is 80%

Peringkat 1: $15,000

Setiap Pedagang yang mendapat kelulusan untuk program ini bermula dengan modal permulaan $15,000. Pada peringkat ini, anda boleh menggunakan saiz lot maksimum 0.5 kesemuanya terkumpul. Anda mesti mencapai sasaran keuntungan 10%, menjadikan akaun anda kepada $16,500, untuk meningkatkan akaun anda dua kali ganda kepada $30,000. Pengeluaran ialah 10% jadi maksimum yang boleh anda hilangkan ialah $1,500 daripada baki permulaan, bermakna ekuiti anda tidak boleh jatuh di bawah $13,500.

Profit Target: 10%.
Account target goal: $16,500

Daily: 5%
Absolute: 10%
Max Loss Limit (based on equity): $13,500

Bahagian Keuntungan:
More than 30 Days to reach target = Your profit share is 50%
Less than 30 days to reach target = Your profit share is 60%

line chart trending upwards
Stage 1: $60,000

Stage 1: $60,000

At this stage, you'll be managing a live account worth $60,000. Achieve your profit target to get your account doubled to $120,000.

Profit Target: 10%.
Account target goal: $66,000

Daily: 5%
Absolute: 10%
Max Loss Limit (based on equity): $54,000

Bahagian Keuntungan:
More than 30 Days to reach target = Your profit share is 60%
Less than 30 days to reach target = Your profit share is 70%

Stage 2: $120,000

Stage 2: $120,000

At this stage, you'll be managing a live account worth $120,000. Achieve your profit target to get your account doubled to $240,000.

Profit Target: 10%.
Account target goal: $132,000

Daily: 5%
Absolute: 10%
Max Loss Limit (based on equity): $108,000

Bahagian Keuntungan:
More than 30 Days to reach target = Your profit share is 60%
Less than 30 days to reach target = Your profit share is 70%

Stage 3: $240,000

Stage 3: $240,000

At this stage, you'll be managing a live account worth $240,000. Achieve your profit target to get your account doubled to $480,000.

Profit Target: 10%.
Account target goal: $264,000

Daily: 5%
Absolute: 10%
Max Loss Limit (based on equity): $216,000

Bahagian Keuntungan:
More than 30 Days to reach target = Your profit share is 60%
Less than 30 days to reach target = Your profit share is 70%

Stage 4: $480,000

Stage 4: $480,000

At this stage, you'll be managing a live account worth $480,000. Achieve your profit target to get your account doubled to $960,000.

Profit Target: 10%.
Account target goal: $528,000

Daily: 5%
Absolute: 10%
Max Loss Limit (based on equity): $432,000

Bahagian Keuntungan:
More than 30 Days to reach target = Your profit share is 70%
Less than 30 days to reach target = Your profit share is 80%

Stage 5: $960,000

Stage 5: $960,000

At this stage, you'll be managing a live account worth $960,000. Achieve your profit target to get your account doubled to $1,920,000.

Profit Target: 10%.
Account target goal: $1,056,000

Daily: 5%
Absolute: 10%
Max Loss Limit (based on equity): $864,000

Bahagian Keuntungan:
More than 30 Days to reach target = Your profit share is 70%
Less than 30 days to reach target = Your profit share is 80%

Stage 6: $1.92M

Stage 6: $1.92M

At this stage, you'll be managing a live account worth $1,920,000. You have reached the maximum account size available on the scaling plan. You may continue trading this account and profit shares can be withdrawn every time you reach the 10% Profit target.

Profit Target: 10%.
Account target goal: $2,112,000

Daily: 5%
Absolute: 10%
Max Loss Limit (based on equity): $1,728,000

Bahagian Keuntungan:
More than 30 Days to reach target = Your profit share is 70%
Less than 30 days to reach target = Your profit share is 80%

Stage 1: $60,000

Setiap Pedagang yang mendapat kelulusan untuk program ini bermula dengan modal permulaan $15,000. Pada peringkat ini, anda boleh menggunakan saiz lot maksimum 0.5 kesemuanya terkumpul. Anda mesti mencapai sasaran keuntungan 10%, menjadikan akaun anda kepada $16,500, untuk meningkatkan akaun anda dua kali ganda kepada $30,000. Pengeluaran ialah 10% jadi maksimum yang boleh anda hilangkan ialah $1,500 daripada baki permulaan, bermakna ekuiti anda tidak boleh jatuh di bawah $13,500.

Profit Target: 10%.
Account target goal: $66,000

Daily: 5%
Absolute: 10%
Max Loss Limit (based on equity): $54,000

Bahagian Keuntungan:
More than 30 Days to reach target = Your profit share is 60%
Less than 30 days to reach target = Your profit share is 70%

Saya sedang mencari untuk mendapatkan pembiayaan dan melakukan penyelidikan saya ke dalam firma perdagangan prop. Saya memilih Audacity Capital kerana mereka memberikan wang sebenar serta-merta, dan saya betul memilihnya kerana saya dapat mencapai sasaran saya dan mengeluarkan keuntungan saya dalam beberapa bulan.
Marcin — Poland
There are many advantages that come with working with Audacity. One that comes to mind immediately is the fact that I am much more responsible with the funds that I am managing. Because I know that the funds don’t belong to me and they belong to Audacity and I want to give the best performance possible.
Megiliano — Greece
Berdagang pada akaun yang dibiayai adalah berbeza daripada berdagang pada akaun peribadi. Saya terpaksa menyesuaikan strategi saya dan memutuskan emosi saya kerana keadaannya berbeza.
Monir — India
Everything is great. I really like how tight the spreads are on the platform and the program really teaches you how to control your risk.
Amaru — United States
I was looking for a prop firm that could give me 1 to 1 mentoring, where they have a trading floor I can visit. The biggest benefit the Hidden Talents Program offers is that I can talk to my mentor all the time.
Jakob — Germany
I already had a strategy and a proper trading plan when I got into Audacity Capital and pretty much I knew what I was doing for the last 6 months. I wanted to be ready before getting any funding and I stuck to my strategy all year round while adapting to the current market trends.
I used to trade commodities where there are high fluctuations, and the problem I had was I used to use very high leverage and I used to get stocked out in the past. But when I joined Audacity Capital because the leverage was low compared to what I am used to in my own account, which ended up as a lesson for me to have stable funds.
David — South Korea
I’m glad I can follow Audacity Capital’s risk parameters because it helps me in the game of trading. At the end of the day, you need to survive in the market and adjust, and trading in bigger account sizes that they offer allowed me to be really profitable.
Vladislav — Bulgaria
Being in the Funded Trader Program, allows you to take it slow as there are no deadlines for hitting your target and also forces you to tighten your risk management. So it is much better for the long-term, who’s looking to make a serious endeavor and not gambling.
Bayaan — United States
From a really young age, I would get really angry and break my control and blow accounts. But this changed in the past 2 years when I put myself in the right frame of mind and have the right risk management. So when I lose a trade, I’m not upset because I know that I’ve only lost what I can afford to lose.
Shahriyar — United Kingdom
I have been trading on my own accounts for quite some time but I feel now is a good time to trade with a bigger capital so I joined Audacity Capital. I use a simple strategy with price action and I have support from my family and friends to encourage me when i am having bad trading days.
Vijay — India
I made more money than I spent on the program, which is why my experience with Audacity Capital is good so far. I like their conditions because it’s conservative, the risk of losing money is limited with these parameters in place.
Liliya — Dubai
I was really impressed at how quick the withdrawal process is. I hit my target and I received my profit on the same afternoon. For convenience, trading with Audacity is really worthwhile.
Joshante — United Kingdom
I studied in the field of economics and I wanted a career in the industry where I want to have the freedom instead of the 9-5 job, which is why I joined the Hidden Talents Program. I learned a great deal from 1 to 1 mentoring session with John, as well as with our group sessions with other traders. Compared to trying to do it on my own, I noticed that there was more to trading after I joined the program. Before I wasn’t doing too well and now I’m trading really well and I’m glad.
Sameena — Ireland
I am an intraday and swing trader, I mostly use the supply and demand strategy. An important thing that a trader needs to remember is risk management because without it, you would blow your account.
Putu — Indonesia
It’s important to be committed to trading because it took me at least 2 years to know what I’m doing. Get a good education, don’t try to get rich quickly – that’s not gonna work because you will end up over-leveraging. Protect your capital at all costs and work on your mental game because this will define whether you stay in the game or not.
Alex — Puerto Rico

peraturan kami

  • Audacity Capital’s funding programs are designed with clear risk parameters to ensure responsible trading and protect both the firm and traders. Key risk parameters include a maximum drawdown limit of 10%, which does not trail from profits, ensuring traders are not liable for losses beyond this threshold. Additionally, there are no lot size limitations and traders can utilize up to 1:100 leverage on the Ability Challenge and up to 1:30 leverage on the Funded Trader Program. Traders must also adhere to specified trading rules and demonstrate consistent profitability, promoting disciplined trading practices essential for long-term success within Audacity Capital’s programs.

  • Our funding programs include an absolute drawdown limit of 10%, which is calculated based on the initial account balance. This limit is designed to protect traders, as it does not trail from profits and ensures that traders are not held liable for losses exceeding this threshold. By maintaining this absolute drawdown limit, Audacity Capital promotes a secure trading environment where traders can focus on executing strategies effectively while mitigating potential risks.

  • Traders participating in the Ability Challenge are required to trade for a minimum of 4 days. Meanwhile, traders in the Funded Trader Program must trade for a minimum of 5 days, with at least 3 of those days being profitable. These requirements ensure that traders demonstrate their trading skills and consistency over a specified period, aligning with Audacity Capital’s commitment to fostering disciplined and profitable trading practices among its participants.

  • We offer different approaches to trading major news events. Traders participating in the Ability Challenge have the freedom to trade during all news events. In contrast, those in the Funded Trader Program are required to close their positions for significant events such as Non-Farm Payrolls (NFP), interest rate decisions, and central bank speeches. Notifications about these events are sent via email or push notifications to ensure traders in the Funded Trader Program adhere to these guidelines. This strategy aims to mitigate risk and safeguard trading capital during periods of heightened market volatility, fostering responsible trading practices within Audacity Capital’s programs.

  • Profit withdrawals are facilitated through a straightforward process aimed at supporting trader success. Traders who meet the program’s profit targets and trading criteria can request withdrawals directly from their trader dashboard. Typically, withdrawals are processed within 2- 3 business days upon request. This efficient system allows traders to access their earned profits promptly, reinforcing Audacity Capital’s commitment to transparency and empowering traders to achieve their financial goals through disciplined and profitable trading practices.

Apa yang kita cari

We are looking for traders with experience in risk management and a proven track record of profitability. Our criteria for joining Audacity Capital include the ability to consistently navigate risk and maintain profitability over time, as well as a record of adhering to a trading plan or strategy.


Seperti yang dilihat pada

Program Funded Trader kami direka untuk pedagang berpengalaman yang sudah mempunyai strategi yang terbukti dan menguntungkan dalam pasaran. Walaupun begitu, tidak semua program pedagang yang dibiayai adalah sama dan sesuai untuk anda. Ini kerana semua firma prop mempunyai set peraturan berbeza yang mungkin tidak sepadan dengan keperluan dan matlamat anda. Sebagai firma yang menghargai kejujuran dan kepercayaan, kami telah menetapkan peraturan kami dan mengesyorkan agar anda melihat faktor-faktor ini untuk memutuskan sama ada program ini adalah yang terbaik untuk anda

Mohon kepada Program Funded Trader kami

Soalan Lazim

  • Adakah terdapat sebarang cabaran atau ujian untuk dilalui sebelum mendapatkan akaun sebenar?

    Kami tidak menggunakan akaun demo dalam Program Pedagang Dibiayai kami. Jika temu duga anda berjaya dan anda diterima, anda mulakan dengan akaun langsung $15,000 terus.

  • Apakah saiz akaun maksimum yang boleh diperoleh oleh peniaga?

    Kami menggandakan saiz akaun setiap kali anda mencapai sasaran 10% sehingga maksimum setengah juta dolar. Sebaik sahaja anda mencapai tanda setengah juta dolar, anda boleh terus berdagang pada akaun dan setiap kali anda mencapai sasaran 10%, anda boleh mengeluarkan keuntungan anda.

  • Adakah berbaloi menjadi peniaga yang dibiayai?

    Dagangan yang dibiayai datang dengan beberapa faedah, dan bahagian yang terbaik ialah anda boleh berdagang dengan lebih banyak modal dan membuat keuntungan yang lebih baik.

  • Aset kewangan manakah yang boleh didagangkan?

    Anda dibenarkan untuk berdagang pasangan mata wang utama dan bersilang, tiada komoditi atau indeks sekurang-kurangnya pada peringkat awal.

  • Apakah saiz akaun awal?

    Sebaik sahaja anda diterima menyertai program ini, kami memperuntukkan $15,000 dana syarikat ke akaun anda untuk memulakan dagangan.

  • Bolehkah saya berdagang komoditi atau indeks

    Kami terutamanya berdagang Forex walau bagaimanapun, sebaik sahaja anda mencapai akaun Peringkat 4: $120,000, kami boleh mempertimbangkan untuk membenarkan komoditi atau indeks didagangkan pada akaun anda.

  • Bolehkah saya berdagang semasa berita?

    Anda tidak dibenarkan untuk mengekalkan kedudukan terbuka semasa acara berita utama. Walau bagaimanapun, sekiranya terdapat sebarang sekatan, anda akan sentiasa menerima e-mel daripada pasukan pengurusan risiko. Anda boleh memasukkan kedudukan anda semula 30 minit selepas berita.

    Sekiranya anda ingin mengawasi berita sendiri, kami mengesyorkan menggunakan

  • Broker mana yang anda gunakan?

    Kami tidak menggunakan broker runcit, namun kami menggunakan pembekal kecairan institusi yang membolehkan kami mendapat manfaat daripada kecairan yang mendalam dalam pasaran tanpa komisen atau swap pada dagangan dan spread yang ketat.

  • Adakah anda membenarkan EA?

    Yes, we allow EA (Expert Advisor) trading. You are free to use automated trading strategies to manage your trades as long as they comply with our risk management guidelines and trading rules.

  • How do prop firms make money?

    Prop firms make money primarily through profit-sharing with their traders. They provide traders with capital to trade, and in return, they take a percentage of the profits generated. Additionally, the fees traders pay cover the costs of our technology, administration, and liquidity.

  • What is the minimum trading days?

    For Audacity Capital’s Ability Challenge and Funded Trader Program, the minimum trading days required are as follows:

    • Ability Challenge: Traders must demonstrate their trading activity over a minimum of 4 trading days. This ensures that the trader can
      consistently follow their trading strategy and adhere to risk management guidelines.
    • Funded Trader Program: Similarly, the Funded Trader Program requires a minimum of 5 trading days. Additionally, they must achieve profitability on at least 3 out of these 5 days.

    These requirements help Audacity Capital evaluate the trader’s performance and commitment over a reasonable period.

  • Is this real prop trading?

    In prop trading, firms provide traders with capital to trade in various financial markets. Traders use this capital to execute trades, and profits are shared between the trader and the firm. Unlike traditional trading, where traders use their own funds, prop trading allows traders to leverage the firm’s resources, which can significantly increase their potential for profit. At Audacity Capital, we offer genuine prop trading opportunities, complete with rigorous evaluation processes, comprehensive training, and access to professional trading platforms, ensuring that our traders have everything they need to succeed in the real trading world.

  • Mengapa anda mengenakan bayaran?

    We charge a joining fee of £298 and a monthly fee of £99. The fees are not for us to make a profit, they are just to cover expenses towards data, technology and administration. We want to build a long-term relationship with our traders, so the fees remain the same even if you’re managing a $500 000 account.

  • Apa yang berlaku jika saya menekan drawdown?

    Ia agak tidak mungkin untuk anda mencapai pengeluaran jika anda menghormati parameter risiko kami. Walau bagaimanapun, sekiranya itu berlaku, anda tidak akan bertanggungjawab untuk kerugian, tetapi anda akan ditarik balik secara automatik daripada program ini.

    In some cases, there can also be a possibility for a second chance, for which the risk management team would need to review your account and approve you. If approved, you would need to pay the £199 joining fee again to start over with a $15 000 account.

  • Bagaimanakah saya boleh mengeluarkan keuntungan saya?

    Anda boleh mengeluarkan keuntungan setiap kali anda mencapai sasaran 10% anda. Sebaik sahaja anda mencapai sasaran anda, anda boleh meminta untuk menarik diri pada aplikasi kami atau menghantar e-mel ke [email protected]. Sebaik sahaja anda memfailkan permintaan, kami akan menggandakan akaun anda dan menghantar keuntungan kepada anda.

  • Apakah platform yang anda gunakan?

    We use MetaTrader 4
