What We Offer

Programmi di finanziamento

Programma Trader finanziato

The Funded Trader Program is for profitable traders with a successful strategy. Applicants will need to have at least 3 months experience managing a live account and be ready to start managing live capital from day one. This program provides maximum value for experienced traders where we only require traders to pass a short interview with a member of our talent acquisition team.


  • Non è richiesta alcuna demo/sfida
  • Ottenere l'approvazione per un finanziamento in tempo reale entro 24 ore
  • I finanziamenti partono da 15.000 dollari di capitale vivo
  • Crescita del conto ogni 10% di profitto realizzato
  • Piano a scalare rapido fino a 480.000 dollari
  • Accesso alla liquidità premium con zero commissioni e spese di swap
  • Condizioni di negoziazione flessibili - nessuna restrizione temporale o scadenza
  • Responsabilità per perdita zero

Sfida di abilità

L'Ability Challenge accoglie tutti i trader provenienti da diversi contesti di trading. I trader possono iniziare l'Ability Challenge con qualsiasi livello di esperienza nel trading sui mercati finanziari. La sfida consiste in un processo dimostrativo in due fasi in cui i trader possono dimostrare la loro abilità di trading e, una volta completata, ottenere l'accesso a un conto live della dimensione prescelta.


  • Valutazione in 2 fasi progettata per testare in modo equo la capacità di un trader.
  • Possibilità di iniziare con un capitale iniziale maggiore (senza scalare il conto)
  • Nessun canone mensile
  • Generous monthly profit share 75 – 25
  • Aumento della leva 1:100 nella fase di sfida
  • Condizioni di trading flessibili: i trader possono mantenere le posizioni durante il fine settimana, negoziare le notizie e non ci sono limiti di dimensione dei lotti.
  • Commissione rimborsabile quando i trader completano tutte le fasi della sfida

Programma Talenti Nascosti

The Hidden Talents Program is a 1-month mentorship program designed for all. This program consists of daily one-to-one sessions with our Head of training and development who has over 15 years experience trading in the financial markets. This program is designed to take traders from a basic level through to a consistently profitable trader, by developing a personalized strategy specifically suited to the individual and their characteristics.


  • Interactive in-house or online lectures
  • Personalised training sessions
  • Fast Track (2 week mentorship) available
  • Guaranteed $15,000 live funded account at the end of the mentorship
  • Fair 50-50 Profits
  • Crescita del conto ogni 10% di profitto realizzato
  • Piano a scalare rapido fino a 480.000 dollari
  • Accesso alla liquidità premium con zero commissioni e spese di swap
  • Condizioni di negoziazione flessibili - nessuna restrizione temporale o scadenza
  • Responsabilità per perdita zero
Why waste time and money on programs that might not work? We offer the best funding programs in the market, with more than 70% of our traders successful. Try one of ours today!

Audacity Capital in numeri

  • 2.4B

    Volume scambiato

  • 2.82M

    Pagamento massimo mensile

  • 140+


Formazione Professionale

Introduzione al Trading

Our introductory program has been designed to take you on a journey from a total beginner to a skilled trader.

In this comprehensive course, you will be able to undertake all that it takes to be a trader, from learning the theory and practical elements of the financial markets. You will easily understand the key concepts behind trading and how to put them into practice.

Save money on our special offer for those who would like to take this course in conjunction with our Advanced Trading Program.


  • 2 Day Course
  • First-hand experience of a real trading floor environment
  • Interactive in-house lectures
  • Learn powerful trading strategies to manage risk and develop trading psychology
  • Practical sessions with support from the mentor
  • Weekly group sessions to give you ongoing support after the course

Trading Avanzato

The Advanced Trading Program is aimed at traders looking for the opportunity to advance their skillset and take their trading to the next level.

We focus on trader psychology, how it affects your profitability as a trader. We also have in-depth looks at more complex topics such as use of our unique in-house Fibonacci tool. Lastly, we present you with live real-world examples in order for you to be able to take this knowledge back into your own trading.

Save money on our special offer for those who would like to take this course in conjunction with our Introduction to Trading Program.


  • 2 Day Course
  • First-hand experience of a real trading floor environment
  • Interactive in-house lectures
  • Access to our very own custom Fibonacci indicator only accessible at Audacity Capital
  • Learn advanced trading concepts and techniques
  • Practical sessions with support from the mentor
  • Weekly group sessions to give you ongoing support after the course

Psicologia del trading

The Trading Psychology program has been specifically designed to tackle most trader’s struggles to find a level of consistency with their mindset and emotions.

This is a unique trading course that allows you to structure your learning sessions around your daily work/life program in an online interactive manner.


  • Online Interactive modules covering all aspects of Trading Psychology
  • Access to our in-house Trading Psychology Workbook
  • Live interactive weekly group sessions to give you ongoing support and expansion after the course
  • One-to-one mentoring available
Are you looking for a short course that will prepare you for the world of institutional trading? We offer several options to help you launch your career in this industry.