
Gestión de riesgos

Sobre este curso

This risk management course is designed to help existing and new traders to anticipate risk and deal with it in the right manner. Trading is inherently risky and if you want to become a trader that makes profits, it is important to master risk management. The course is two days long and it will take you from the basics to the advanced levels in risk management. Intakes are welcome to attend an in-house course if you are located in London or online.

You will learn about managing your risk as well as how to quantify it. Once you are done, you will have a good understanding of the practices and tools used in risk management. The training course is intensive and it ensures you have an edge over your peers in managing your risk.

The course will look at current trends in managing risk and it will teach you how to minimise risk when trading in the current environment. You will learn how to conjure up effective and creative methods of understanding and managing your risk.

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In this course, you will learn..

• An introduction to risk management
• How to identify risk
• How to plan risk management
• Analysing the probability of risk
• Qualitative and quantitative methods of analysing risk
• How to respond to risk
• How to monitor risk
• How to control risk

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Audacity Capital en cifras

  • 2.4B

    Volumen negociado

  • 2.82M

    Pago mensual máximo

  • 140+


Who should take this class?

This course is great for anyone who wants to become a trader that can convert threats into opportunities to make a profit. It includes project managers, traders, practitioners of risk management, and even consultants.

Estructura del curso

  • In the first day, you will be introduced to risk management. You learn the basic of managing risk and gain a general overview of what is involved. Besides that, you learn how to plan your risk management process. Planning will entail studying tool and techniques that you can use in the process. At the end of the planning module, you will have the ability to come up with a concrete plan. You then learn how to spot risks and the measures you can use to mitigate the risks you identify. Besides that, you will learn how you can use various techniques and tool to increase your output from this process.

  • In this module, you are taught how you can analyse risk and how to use qualitative or quantitative methods. You will also get an in-depth look into the techniques and tools used to analyse risk. Besides that, you will learn what input is needed and the outcome you can expect. Finally, you learn how to respond to, monitor and control risk.

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Estudié en el campo de la economía y quería una carrera en la industria donde quiero tener la libertad en lugar del trabajo de 9-5, por lo que me uní al Programa de Talentos Ocultos. Aprendí mucho en las sesiones de tutoría individual con John, así como en nuestras sesiones de grupo con otros traders. En comparación con intentar hacerlo por mi cuenta, me di cuenta de que había más en el trading después de unirme al programa. Antes no me iba muy bien y ahora estoy operando muy bien y estoy contento.
Sameena - Irlanda
Buscaba una empresa de props que pudiera ofrecerme tutoría individualizada y que tuviera un parqué que pudiera visitar. La mayor ventaja del programa Hidden Talents es que puedo hablar con mi mentor en todo momento.
Jakob - Alemania
From a really young age, I would get really angry and break my control and blow accounts. But this changed in the past 2 years when I put myself in the right frame of mind and have the right risk management. So when I lose a trade, I’m not upset because I know that I’ve only lost what I can afford to lose.
Shahriyar - Reino Unido
Todo es estupendo. Me gusta mucho lo ajustados que son los spreads en la plataforma y el programa realmente te enseña a controlar el riesgo.
Amaru - Estados Unidos
Yo estaba buscando obtener financiación e hice mi investigación en las empresas de comercio prop. Elegí Audacity Capital porque me proporcionaron dinero real de inmediato, y no me equivoqué al elegirlos porque pude alcanzar mi objetivo y retirar mis beneficios en pocos meses.
Marcin — Polonia